anywhere and take up to the challenge. Someone once told me,"if you
put Sheridan anywhere,he will survive,even at the cold atlantic seas
or thhe hot Sahara dessert".. Yea,I guess I can adapt to somewhere
somehow and these challenges makes me keep on going forward. Like my
pevious status title on Facebook, I wrote,"Sheridan is being
positive,optimistic and MOVING FORWARD".. If I couldn't be positive, I
might not suceed to stand strong to a challenge. And if I'm not
optimistic, I won't be able to solve the problem. Thus, we shouldn't
dwell tooooooooooooo muchh about the past, we need to get it done
safely,functionally and practically to move forward.
I might say, I do need a lil bit of balls to be that. But in this
world,we do have 3 types of people, the agressive, the look and see
and the followers. For me, I guess I'm a lil bit of all three. But
then again,it contradicts my status just now. Hmmm,I don't know,what
do you think.
I always say to myself, "never be tooo comfortable in the daily
routine" because why, I just don't want to be complecent. Last night,I
was talking to my friend, we see a lot of people in the company
progress upwards, but both of us were going behind. And I did told
him, we need to take a step behind to learn about those problems, we
might end up moving 2 steps forwards once we dealt the 1 step
backwards. It makes us more stronger and knowledgable.
For me,I don't like to stuck in a stuffy room of aircond space with
few nicely dressed collegues but I like to be with the
workers,understand their problem and analyse those problems to make it
work before implementing it to the ground. Solving problems remotely
will never work and won't resolve the problem efficiently. Decision
are made there and then. So what's my point? The point is, need to
get ourselves a foot into the problem like anyone else to get it done.
People appreciates that.
There's nothing wrong with problems really. Its how you deal with it
and make your way round it, but you need to understand the problem,
getting yourself adapting to the environment, never give up yet, and
make it work. These are just part and parcel of the hurdles of your
So always be positive, optimistic and Move Forward!!..

Petronas is owned by the shareholders, comprising a lot of parties and also it is a public listed company (for its subsidaries like Dagangan and Carigali)> Petronas itself is reporting to The PM straight.
Bare in mind, this is not about Petronas, its about how the country being managed. You are taking one feet out and left somethig else crumbling down without doing another support.
Also to take note, if we rely on 30% of income from Petronas for our country's development, that 30% wont be available all the time as fossil fuel are depleting by the day. The Gov need to think an alternative to gain income for the country, for example U.A.E (Dubai), promoting tourism because knowing their oil and gas reserve will last 15 years or less.
Therefore, We shouldnt depend on Petronas solely, we need a good governance to manage our country to be a developed and prosperous country.