Saturday, December 03, 2005

"A man is known by the books he reads"

I've stumbled upon a saying while I was at the city center this Morning and it says,

"A man is known by the books he reads"

Hmmm..i Wonder...If i read all those Thermodynamic books, Fluid Mechanics, Maths and Statistics ..even Project Management titiles..Makes me A thermoFluid mathematician Project Manager?!?!...huhuhuhhhuhuhuh....but it was a nice saying tho!!...

I've always listen to people say about what they feel about life, how they go through difficulties, how they make themselves happy and so much more.... A guy once told me,

"Men are like wine! They get more valuable when it gets Older!! When Women are like Milk, need to be consumed fast!!"

I'm not gonna be sexist or any...But maybe he has a point there!!..And I'm sure the ladies would agree on me this!!... Scientifically, the MEN matured later than the WOMEN... Women start to reach puberty as early as 10 years old, where vital physical changes taken into place. Their chest become more swallen, which later forms to breasts, height of the girls suddenly shoot up ( I used to remember i was shorter than most GURLS in my school!!) and Pubic hair starts to grow around the groin... Then Period cycle starts on rolling and now girls starts this Hormonal changes, a lot of stress, stomach pains and many more (someone help me here!!!)...These changes would come to a plateau till a girl reaches 17 or 19 years old where changes rest for awhile!!...

Then NOW the Guys turn!!... Hormonal Changes starts as EARLY as 13 (quite early) or as late as 15!!!...Hormons starts to kick in the body this time around. Guys starts to change their voices from Squirmy tiny little voice to DEEEEEEPPP growling Voice...( if you think you voice havent change..then..there must be something wrong with you!!..hehehehe).. Chest becoming more broader, Hairs starts to grow at places you think It should grow, like at the face area, armpits... and also at the Pubic Area!!.. And Penis become larger and longer..(What a STUD!!!..hwuahwuahwuahwa) And will reach the saturation rate at about of the age of 20-21..
You see!!.from there on...

You know, the girls developed faster than men.. But Men, when they have already FULLY developed ( I know this will excite the girls!!!)... Mentally... we are not matured enough!!... But Girls already thinking of something more matured than the guys..and gurls have this biological ticking bomb!!...every WOMEN worst nightmare...PMS...Pre-Menstural Syndrom!!!...No babies after this stage...and my GOD!!!...hormonal imbalance this time around!!..So...thats why Woman are like MILK...consumed it fresh...hehehehehe
Men on the other hand is different!!... They are like plain piece of paper..Once MEN have the Paper (Reaching Maturity).. They cant decorate the room yet...because its PLAIN!...would you wanna have a room with PLAIN WHITE wallpaper on your living room!??..SO Men need to decorate themselves to make it INTERESTING!!!... you get tend to be wiser!! can cope with matters easily...and YUP...MEN need to read more...THEREFORE the phrase earlier is agreeable!!...

FURTHERMORE!!!!!...I couldnt agree with this sentiment 100%...Where Older MEN are more matured than the younger ones.... SOME are more matured than the OLDER Guys!!... Because of the way they were brought up...Maybe they saw something else from the OLDER MEN!!... And the Ladies too...Older WOMEN doesnt mean they are MORE Matured!!...Some act like CHILDREN!!...also the way of brought up or experiences that they have gone through..

SO...where am i GOiNG in this Journal today?!...hmmm...I dont have a clue really...heheheheh...but What Im trying to say is.. Not necessarily OLDER Men are more matured and more sensible to their judgement, Younger ones too can be more matured enough! All you need to do is GET TO KNOW him before make any conclusion.. Even for the Ladies...Younger girls doesnt mean they are still a kid...they MATURE faster than MEN...remember that!! ..their Feelings shouldnt be fooling around...She might be young...but Her mind is Different...sometimes they think on PAR with older guys...

Therefore more books!!...And girls...hmmm...stay loving to your guys!!...hehehehehe...

Till next time!!

ps...Ermmm..i dont know whats get into me today...hehehhehehe...

A grey day or grey hair?!...(the End of 2005 countdown Begins!!!)

for the next few days till end of the month I will be writing a recap of 2005!!!...enjoy!!)
Its Such A glooomy day today... raining from Morning till the evening (830pm) and Its soo cold...windy...greyy..and thank GOD theres no classes today...just some measurement taking and supposing ly meeting my supervisor which happens to be YESTERDAY...great!!!...
But the day wasnt wasted just like that... I make sure that everyday, something has to be done!!...even cutting my finger nails counts...

Well... Today really woke up my mind how grateful I am to be coming from a country which is WARM, HOT and yea...cant avoid the Humidity... Its the weather factor which keeps our mind working.. If you see grey dull will be dull and grey too!!..(I have to confess...i got few strands of grey hair ... some people find it sexy i supppose?!...hehehehe)....But when your day is Bright shining day...You life will be bright too!!...a lot of things can be done in a day like that!!...but when its COLD??...when its WET??...when its DULL Grey day?!? just wanna be in the bed covers with your love ones...just cuddling each other....*sigh*....for me?...Cuddle my pillow of course!!...

But yea...being here in the UK really make me feel how lucky i AM going back to Malaysia this summer for good!!..yups Ladies and Gents...This is MY final year stay here...Im going back and leave UK... Its not that Im not coming back but...I will go home eventually.. and Finish my degreee... It was sure a lot of fun while Im here... Travelling...meeting new people, new friend, newly found life...and above all...the experience living away from HOME....somethings that you dont realised that what you capable off when you at home..or in your country... because you know, you will be alright....Family and friends around...But when you had to live alone in foreign land...thats something else...

I guess i have talked about me being sick here , how i cope with stressed (some even say i look like Einstein!!!!..hehehehehehe )...How i dealt with people who claims to be "YOUR FRIENDS" but in reality...they were fake!!!...ugghh..i hate these people!!....saying They dont have car to see you but at the end...going out for a date with someone else.. WITH HIS CAR!! called friends... hmmmmm...but its OK...human being...bound to make MISTAKES...
Friendships sometimes is kinda dangerous!!...You think they are nice people...showing their smiles, showing how "caring" they are...but you cant trust them that MUCH!!!...maybe just make them as acquaintance is OK... I admit...I might have a lot of people on my NETWORK...but I have handful of REAL friends... You know who you are ...and Thanks for being there for me... Friends are people who not just share the Happiness...or laughter...but also the people who brought you up from the slumpS!!...they are your real friends..and I thank to them...I really love them !!!...Miss you all guys!!...

Then...theres this thing called LOVE...yea..for those who dont know...Love is something that come to you platter and you can have it..NOPE....Love is something you find and nurture them till you know you're ready for loving that person...You dont just get a gal/guy who is goodlooking/pretty and say.."hey..would you be my boyfriend/girlfriend??..i kinda fancy you coz you look cute"...Ladies and GENTSSS...if you do this way...You are TOAST...a slap on your face maybe...Loving a person is a know, he/she is the only one you love (apart from loving your family and friend) and he/she should be your friend too...Sharing each others moment is something nice...Trusting each other is also something you should honour in a relationship...Appreciating each others companionship is a big PLUS!!...with all these...Love can be found...for some of you who dont know...I love my Love so much...coz She brought back my life...and she made me feel as if I can fly up to the skies and reach for the stars!!... (other words...she made me confident) And as for me...I just wanna make her happy, smile and laugh whenever shes with me... I love you sayang... (More tips about relationship visit MEN ARE HERE)

Multiply has been very kind to me... A year has Passed...It has been a venue for me to know a lot of people from ALL over the WORLD...and it has been a place for me to write, post or share something from my HEAD...thats why my PAGE is called iDAN's WORLD...what ever running around in a small world of MINE.... Without Multiply, maybe i wont got the chance to travel around Europe or in the UK... and without it...I wouldnt know my true friends and found my Love... Lynn, Tiar, Tuty, Della, Kak Lina, Joshua, Susan Melissa, Susan in the US, and many more (please dont be offended if i didnt mention your names!!)... And My love... Haslinda... Thanks Multiply!!!...

But on the sad note!!...i wont be writing this Forever!!! will end eventually...maybe I would just write it occasionally...but among Multiply, Blogspot, Friendster, Myspace, Fotopages and many more this kinda thingy...I will close my Myspace soon...fotopages looks like so slow..dont know whether continue or not...(maybe in the future) but definitely retain my Blogspot, Friendster and of course..Multiply..but wont be as ACTiVE like this now...
SO there you go...A grey day for me...but its just another day passed....Before you know it...its already at the end of the week!!...goshh!!...Time really flies!!.... Well...have a Nice day people...where ever you are!!...