Well...time goes by very fast lately...before you knew it...a dawn of a new day...
Today, my Final examinations starts...with Engineering Materials...topics that covers with materials of everyday stuffs...Like you kitchen cabinet, they are not just cabinets that made of wood or marble for some, car tyres....not ordinary rubber and the black colour has its purpose... and also the glass window...not just glass...theres somemore materials that involves...
How did i do my exams?...well..for start...i was FREE FLOWING!!...yea...well..i just write whatever i just read earlier.. i didnt really spend time on reading the question ...jjust look at the topic related..and jjusst write it downn!!...it was a relief after going through the first examination...
This first paper i had was really something...for those who knew the situation i was...it was really something... i had reports toe submitted last week and the damaged done havent really rebounded yet... but ...i kept on going wih Friends giving me Spirt to studyy!...Thanks Mas, Tiar, Della... and the rest i've not mention the names!!...
I guess the next paper wont be a problem...coz i got ample time for it... its gonna be Structures and Stresses... which covers the forces presence around u... the most clear example is..your house or appartment u living in...how those thin beams can cope with those magnitude of weight and load...
Apart from that, i need to start packing my stuff coz i need to vacate my room... well..i will talk about it later...Lawrence Short Tower the place u ought to be...
Here you go guys...A song from the Cures!!...
Thanks Anya....u made my day todayy!!... ;)
Raja Blogger

Diary of a Mad man
by the Cures
Screaming at the window
Watch me die another day
Hopeless situation endless price I have to pay
Sanity now it's beyond me there's no choice
Diary of a madman
Walk the line again today
Entries of confusion
Dear diary I'm here to stay
Manic depression befriends me
Hear his voice
Sanity now it's beyond me
There's no choice
A sickened mind and spirit
The mirror tells me lies
Could I mistake myself for someone
Who lives behind my eyes
Will he escape my soul
Or will he live in me
Is he tryin' to get out or tryin' to enter me
Voices in the darkness
Scream away my mental health
Can I ask a question
To help me save me from myself
Enemies fill up the pages
Are they me
Monday till Sunday in stages
Set me free
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