sometimes you are scared of changes because we're embarking to a new territory, new surroundings, new ways of doing things.. Big Factor why we are scared, generally, is we are too comfortable in the way we are living now. Example, like going to work, using the same route everyday, because you are sure to be at work on time or earlier to the office and not be stucked in a traffic jam or something... But what if, you have an important presentation and you change your route to the office?!..would you do it?!..Mostly would say no..because you dont know u can reach there on time rite!?... But wouldnt that be boring if u just keep on going everyday of your life...to the same route, same style!?..
For a start, Im not talking about changing my Multiply just yet...i know everyone is doing so and everyone is saying..look at mine...i got it first...for me...WAIT till the 7th July ok!?...MORE surprises actually =P huhuhuhuuh
welll...why i write this today is...my life has changed!..my friends has changed.... some of them are talking about marriage now...talking about carriers..talking about taxation and more stuff that at one time you never thought off... Being here in the UK was a big leap for me... I had good life...good friends... I dont have to worry about food or money coz im getting them by going to work or just go out to the mamak stalls...but in UK...u dont know whether you can survive or not... Well...look at me now...im becoming Bigger!!... I AM having one Enjoying life, with some "spice" alongside it... If u asked my uncle, ask him how terrified i were when i first arrived in UK...I still remember his words...he took me out away from my mom and other family member...and we sat in the bus....(of all the places huh?!)..and told me..."You have dreamt coming here and why are you so scared!!...If u dont wanna changes...balik Malaysia laa!!" (hes kinda tough on advices)...but i dont give up on challenges that easily..i take this change as my challenge!!
Now...almost a year...im Blessed with Good friends in Birmingham, in London... Ive gone almost the whole middle part of UK, been to Europe..
It opens my perspective of life... how the world works...how people thinks...how they live..
I just got off with my Friend Eddie..and hes so happy to be with his new beu..he made a song for her...(how sweet he is huh?) and i told him to get married!...We are not that young anymore...if u capable to have a family...why not!?...its not a high school love anymore... I never seen Adlin so happy before he met Azimah... And yea...i cant believe myself i told him that I wanna be his God Father to his children ...i just love kids!!

All of us are not 16 or 18 anymore...when we use to hang out..play PS2 or Xbox... Maybe after this i will be working and no time for games!...Maybe golf an exceptional?

To conclude this...Changes are good, sometimes its for the good. Scarifies the comfort and maybe you'll get even more comfortable life... As for me...when i heard my parents are moving out from our 20years old house...i was sad....i grew up in that house...but maybe its for the best...maybe i'll be getting a bigger room with a nicer view?...who knows?...
But if changes gone bad...then take it as a challenge and some lesson that we need to learn and to rectify the problem...Everything happens for a cause...only God Almighty knows...and you to find out!!
Take the risk..change for the good...and yes to those multipliers that are changing their sites, make it interesting yaa!!...

Start with small changes!!...then you'll know what i mean...
changes are not always good.
they're just an evolution of our daily monotony.
it's how you perceive them, that's when the changes are for the better.
marriage isn't necessary the best thing to do. Unless you really love that person, don't take that leap just yet. You might hurt more than just yourself.
Oh well....here's to a raft of changes for the 2nd half of 2K4. :)
i mean 2K5..man..i'm still living in the past...
hahahahah...you are still in the past dude!!...tapi like i said...we are not those young teenagers anymore!!...kiter dah young adult...
but when changes sometimes falls the not good part...theres always a reason to it..like i mention in the blog, only Allah Almight knows better than us and is for us to find out....
Dude!!!...i cant believe kiter nie dah adults!!...hahahaha...rasa mcm smlm jer the 1st time kiter kenal dowhh!!...ko nak antar driver ko pukul aku pasal aku xnak kawan dgn ko!!...hahahahahahahha....
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