I hate goodbyes personally.. its when something, or somehow becomes to an end...It has been a great blessing during my almost 2 years living in Johor Bahru and work around Pasir Gudang in one of very reknowned fabrication yard... 14th February 2008 was the exact date I reported in to the site and it was a daunting experience for me at first...
Its not that my first time in Johor, but its the FIRST time for me to be living in a state of my father's born country...
It was a challenge to manage people who has done what I've did before... however, even you have done it previously, you tend to take things for granted... Of course.. as a client, you are seen to be the enemy and making things slow.. which actually not true.. My task was to help to bridge the communication between my company and theirs... a lil bit of frustration that how they persive us here in Pasir Gudang as client... we actually wanna help and check and balanced it and make it a sucess!..

It was an experience, standing on a structure which was 10 story high and I did climbed up for inspection.. and guess what!?!..I am scared of heights!!...it was another challenge that i challenged myself to do.. I dont want to be the not covering all the places kinda engineer... I went up and now, im not scared of heights as much as before... It was an achievement..
Seeing the offshore platform being fabricated, was awesome..The first day, you could only see a flat dusty land and soon after 540 days, you see three huge structures standing tall weighing thousands of tonnes ready to be shipped out... awesomely seeing those that we as a team designed it in Kuala Lumpur being materialised afterall...

Another experience to share was, managing an event which was a big milestone to everyone in the team, to start the engine sequence, what we called it as DRY CRANKING... seeing the compressor train being assembled and see it running before your eyes was one priceless experience... When the walkie talkie sounded, we have reached to our sequence... it was a great joy for everyone then... and of course... the loadout of the 3 deck modules... (will upload the pics later)...a huge crane carries the modules onto the barges...everyone jumped with joy but at the same time, the sadness rings to us all as its time for us to say goodbye...
I hate to leave the people I work with all this while..but I know from the begining, they wont be with me forever, which I do wish they would follow...but... its a goodbye for now..
A collegue of mine said yesterday during our so called farewell dinner, its an end of a chapter and a new start of another..
I will be part of the offshore commisioning team starting the 1st September.. and will be heading out to the sea for 2 weeks and back on dry land another 2 weeks of the month till August 2010... and probably it will be extended a lil while depending on the weather...

Lastly, I would like to thank to those people who have worked with me, and i appologise if i did something wrong or wrongly said to you.. and I would like to thank my Project Manager, Mr Ian Kellagher, Clay Crook, Siva Kumaran, En Aris, and others who have given faith and belief to me to be part of the site team..
My bags are packed, my table has emptied, and Im taking the sad goodbye to leave this cool place in Malaysia... Hope I could be here again sooon for the next project in the years to come!!
haaaaaaaaaaa?? maknanya dah x turun jb lah yeee???
i hope i could if i have the time...
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