Monday, October 26, 2009
Another journey of life, Hectic working life offshore
Let me tell you about my typical work day. My day starts at 6am, attend the toolbox meeting,where all workers and management gathers and update ourselves with the happenings and issue arises. It also the time the workers express their views and comments to us. Then once finish, the worker's supervisors will go up to the platform and get their job approved by the Offshore Installation Manager (OIM). The OiM has the autonomous power on the platform whether to approve or not to approve the work.
Round about 9ish, the work gets approved, the workers go back to the canteen and have their morning tea break. while waiting for their job to get approved, the rest will just chill or prepare their work prior to approval. Then, half hour after 9am, workers will go back to their work location and start work till noon. 15mins before noon,they will stop work and do some house keeping before goes back to the canteen for an-hour's lunch break. Then after lunch break, work resumed till 3pm for another tea break and continued work till 6pm.
Like usual,15mins before breaktime,workers stopped work for some clearing and headed back for lunch. The workers will have their dinner and would retire for the day.
Well, for me,my day still occupied with 7pm progress meeting for an hour and soon after the meeting, I would have to prepare the job to be done tomorrow. Its like chreographing the work done tomorrow to the detail and to calculate the amount of people that will need to work for me for that job.
Check my emails and headed back to my quarters for shower and getting ready to sleep.
That's the glamour side of my job, and the worst thing that could risk me is my safety while working on platform. High pressures, electric shocks, falling objects is just to name a few the danger I faced daily. However, those dangers really made me more appreciate the safety measures that you need to follow. And do I enjoyed my job? The and answer is, YES! I love my job and it makes me more careful and learned about stuff that you never thought off before
So that's my typical day of work for me offshore, and my 2 weeks off is not really a "holiday" per-say, but its the time for me to rest from my long 2 weeks of work offshore.
Let me end by saying this, never take things for granted,value life and also remember about the loves ones waiting at home for you return.
Take care and see you soon ;)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
When there is a helloo...theres always a goodbye...
I hate goodbyes personally.. its when something, or somehow becomes to an end...It has been a great blessing during my almost 2 years living in Johor Bahru and work around Pasir Gudang in one of very reknowned fabrication yard... 14th February 2008 was the exact date I reported in to the site and it was a daunting experience for me at first...
Its not that my first time in Johor, but its the FIRST time for me to be living in a state of my father's born country...
It was a challenge to manage people who has done what I've did before... however, even you have done it previously, you tend to take things for granted... Of course.. as a client, you are seen to be the enemy and making things slow.. which actually not true.. My task was to help to bridge the communication between my company and theirs... a lil bit of frustration that how they persive us here in Pasir Gudang as client... we actually wanna help and check and balanced it and make it a sucess!..

It was an experience, standing on a structure which was 10 story high and I did climbed up for inspection.. and guess what!?!..I am scared of heights!! was another challenge that i challenged myself to do.. I dont want to be the not covering all the places kinda engineer... I went up and now, im not scared of heights as much as before... It was an achievement..
Seeing the offshore platform being fabricated, was awesome..The first day, you could only see a flat dusty land and soon after 540 days, you see three huge structures standing tall weighing thousands of tonnes ready to be shipped out... awesomely seeing those that we as a team designed it in Kuala Lumpur being materialised afterall...

Another experience to share was, managing an event which was a big milestone to everyone in the team, to start the engine sequence, what we called it as DRY CRANKING... seeing the compressor train being assembled and see it running before your eyes was one priceless experience... When the walkie talkie sounded, we have reached to our sequence... it was a great joy for everyone then... and of course... the loadout of the 3 deck modules... (will upload the pics later)...a huge crane carries the modules onto the barges...everyone jumped with joy but at the same time, the sadness rings to us all as its time for us to say goodbye...
I hate to leave the people I work with all this while..but I know from the begining, they wont be with me forever, which I do wish they would follow...but... its a goodbye for now..
A collegue of mine said yesterday during our so called farewell dinner, its an end of a chapter and a new start of another..
I will be part of the offshore commisioning team starting the 1st September.. and will be heading out to the sea for 2 weeks and back on dry land another 2 weeks of the month till August 2010... and probably it will be extended a lil while depending on the weather...

Lastly, I would like to thank to those people who have worked with me, and i appologise if i did something wrong or wrongly said to you.. and I would like to thank my Project Manager, Mr Ian Kellagher, Clay Crook, Siva Kumaran, En Aris, and others who have given faith and belief to me to be part of the site team..
My bags are packed, my table has emptied, and Im taking the sad goodbye to leave this cool place in Malaysia... Hope I could be here again sooon for the next project in the years to come!!
Dalam Kehidupan ini...

Dalam alam ini,kita pasti akan mendengar berita gembira tentang kelahiran bayi
Kita juga pasti gembira melihat anak anak muda selesai ijazah pertamanya dan mendirikan rumah tangganya untuk menjalani hidup berdikari
Dalam kehidupan alam ini juga, ada pastinya kita melihat seorang insan pergi menyahut panggilan Illahi ke alam yang lain
Itu la kehidupan yang kita harus terima
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Just Married!!...

Yups...I've just got MARRIED.... and she is the woman of my love ...Miss Haslinda bte Mohd Hamran...

It was a wonderful week when we had our "Nikah" officially in Penang at her home and soon we had our honeymoon in Kota Kinabalu before we had the reception in KL...

Well..that's explains my absent in the blogging world.... Busy preparing the do, and also busy preparing completion of my work in Pasir Gudang.. I will be heading back to Miri in September...

Yes People.. I didn't do everything my own... and I do owe a bigggggggggggggg... biigggggggg appreciation to my Mother, Mrs Norihan Shaari, who has planned, choreograph and run the whole show since the begining of last year!!...and the outcome is sooo Wonderful.... I can tell you, my mother is one good wedding planner of all... and we didnt spent too much for it...which is another sucess!!.


Another person that I wanna deeeply say thanks is my father!!... with the morale support, despite his location, he did his best and I thank him for that...
Not to forget, my grandmother, who has actively planned the tradition, and the workings of the event with my mom.. You should see how diligent she was when she did the bunga telur..... Thank you nenek..

Then of Lovely sister... who has been my mom's sidekick ... Well..shes learning from the mom of course..
Then I wish thanks to my floor manager... my Brother... who has organised the ushers and usherretes and also.. making my wedding event as a rock concert in the end!!.... I almost burst to tears when he sang a Song by Andra and the backbone, "Sempurna"...even hes no MALAYSIAN iDOL... but he is my brother!!...

My aunt, my cousins, my mom's friends, my godfather and godmothers who has helped.... I cant say much more than THANK YOU!!.....
And lastly.. my friends, who helped me last minute errants, and also who has attended our wedding that night.... THANK YOU SO MUCH too..
Well.... how could i repay you all who has helped except my deepest appreciation...THANK YOU againn!!

Happenings in PENANG..

Monday, July 27, 2009
Laskar Pelangi
mimpi adalah kunci
untuk kita menakhlukkan dunia
berlarilah tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya
laskar pelangi
tak kan terikat waktu
bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
warnai bintang di jiwa
menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia
cinta kepada hidup
memberikan senyuman abadi
walau hidup kadang tak adil
tapi cinta lengkapi kita
laskar pelangi
tak kan terikat waktu
jangan berhenti mewarnai
jutaan mimpi di bumi
menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia
menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Treat people as you wanted to be treated.
If you like people to treat you kindly, then be kind to others despite their being..
If you like people to make you happy, then make them happy like you want it to be...
If you would like people to be sincere to you, be sincere to them and to yourself...
Treat people as you wanted to be treated.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Pagi petang tercari cari
Tiap saat ternanti nanti
Kau masih tiada disisi
Apakah ini satu mimpi
Terasa bagai sebuah delusi
Ilusi … mata
Maian … jiwaku
Semakin kacau
Monday, July 06, 2009
Communication, communicate..
How we communicate also varies from one another, but how do we communicate effectively?
Its all depending to personal preference, some may yelled or talk softly to express and some may sing a song to the other person to show how they feel. However, the other end of the communicated person need to be calm and open to receive the information given to them.
Even when you write, some experienced communicator can sense the feelings of the writer. So the way of writing is important to express the way u feel. Some might get offended when reading the medium,and often get misinterpreted the writer. Again, its all depending again to the mood of the reader too.
However, when you speak,you speak you mind,which have an automatic filtering before those words are being spelled out. Therefore, you could feel the difference between a written blog and a spontaneous speech.
Body gesture too are very important when talking. It shows how you expressed you statements. The impact to listeners are much more stimulating compared to a speaker who gives a motionless speech and might result one to loose concentration to the point that is being addressed.
When you communicate, its important that you write or structured the point that you wish to address. The speak with right intonation of voice and it should be much appropriately suiting to the type of audience, the topic is being discussed about and also the rooms settings. Without the third equation, the body language, the communication that is being put forth will be incomplete and non effective.
Today, the company's move to cut cost on travelling budget which resulting to teleconferencing for crucial meetings between executives might put back the record books into the blacks, increasing the profit margins and could escape to the wastage of travelling time. The question is again,would that makes the meeting effective?
Meeting face to face for me,is much effective than doing it remotely. Moreover, you could control the audience by looking at their level of concentration of listening to the point. Hence, we could see the eyes of the other side whether one is sincere or otherwise. This could hinder away bad deals with a savings of few thousands of dollars on flight tickets and a hotel bill. So, is it worth the savings if the deal does turns bad?
Its how we communicate which is important, and ideally,planning how we communicate to get the message across effectively is much more valuable then just making a point and that is it. If the otherside does not get you, a sketch would give a clearer picture of the point given. Therefore, its important to get your line of communication as clear,short and clean as possible.
My2cent worth of view on communication
Sunday, July 05, 2009
I am tired...
............but life.....must go on.....ouh God please save me...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Simple Pleasures makes a happy life...
Just watched a German League game, Bremen vs Leverkusen and saw the guys around the stadium cheering and celebrating the victory of BREMEN's winning and seeing people smiling and singing to their team's anthem... Im sure those guys and gurls, young and old were happy!...but for the non wining team, they walked back, with a glass of beer and some smile on their face hoping their team will win in the next season... and are they happy?...yup...a glass of beer and some hangout time with friends makes them forget about their losing...
I like to be happy and nobody in this world wouldnt want to be happy... but happiness is very subjective within the people around us... some would travel far to get pleasure, and some just sitting home and sleep gets the pleasure...
A simple pleasure would not involves money or stuffs... it is just some thing that makes you smile and a lil relief from the stressfull day or some sad events.. Like those Leverkusen's fan, altho their team lost the game, they still had a good time hanging out and have a couple of beers with friends who has the same interest as they have... some might just sing their way home with a bunch of people, just to get that pleasure... you dont need hundreds of dollars for that, do u?
For me...someone who asked about my day.. and talked about it would be a pleasure for me... trying to get to the same page, and trying or giving opinions that would help and not restricts someones..hanging out with friends and your partner's friends could really make my day or someone else's.
Another pleasure that I have, is just sitting at the park, looking at people's activities and smile to babies with their parents...seeing them smiling back at you does make my day..
Ouh well.. i do hope you all have your simple pleasures...and you could share it with me about your simple pleasures that you do day to day...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
To be out from the comfort zone!
I've like to challenge myself and once done, you know your limits... I used to be very comfortable with the "norms" in life...because I like it to be the routine, and doesnt explore other stufs.... Now, after realising that the "norms" are quite boring... I do something different!..
What kinda of different that I meant?..
A good example is that to take the longer route back home.. You never know what you will encounter or much nicer view from the normal route?.. You might not noticed the nice house is to be sell out...
Another good example, is when someone bets on you for a stuff or an item... I like to bet on stuff, not just to prove me wrong, but to give a booast to that challenge... You risk your stake to someone else and you know, your share is valuable to loosing it to someone else...
But... just a question to you... Will you ever ''move on'' or challenge yourselves to be out of the comfort zone??...will you know your limits then??..
SO..when someone is betting on you..its ok to take the risk and to do that bet!..
Ok..for me now...its sleeping time...
Monday, May 25, 2009
I would like to take this opportunity to Congratulate few of my friends who are getting Married this weekend and the whole month of June... I couldnt be able to attend as Im not in the country...
InsyaAllah, once Im back in Malaysia... I will make it up to you and your spouses!..
Take care and Have a nice Wedding day!!
Hamburg to Frankfurt to BERLIN
I've always wonder, why in Germany, i have always encounter problems with the border police.. the first time was when I was traveling as a student with a friend of mine.. The police had to detained me for clarification and had to call the embassy for confirmation... Then... Last week's stint in HAMBURG from KL... the immigration was questioning, why are you here?!.. and I i used the wrong word...he asked for a permit...i said..." here just for a month!..and my company sent me here to work!"...he was talking German to his collegue.. and gave me a grim face and let me go... HAMBURG to BERLIN via Frankfurt... i was "TOUCHED" by the security!!..3 times!!..on my ...u know where!!...uuhhuhuhu...and that makes me missed my flight!!...then i had to opened up my bag pack and re-scanned it 3 times!..
but the nice lady in the lufthansa counter managed to get me a seat on the next flight to Berlin.. dont think thats ALL...the taxi driver in BERLIN dont know where the hotel is...nasib baik ada my friend around to reply my text..and gave me the street address of the hotel..
Ouh still fighting my jetlag...but im alrite now!!...
SO...Berlin..what izzit all about!?...another city, full of history...and i will share about it later on!!..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
.. everything happens for a reasons
My trip to Hamburg was cancelled last weekend, but I still have to fly to Berlin this weekend for my professionalism course.. The specialist course in ROTATING EQUIPMENTS...( yea, you can say I rotate my head for living)
I wasnt that sad nor happy of my trip cancellation.. Just that the hassle of changing the ticket times and getting new ones for BERLIN... I managed to do some stuffs while in KL and spending more time here in MALAYSIA.... and also.. the current epidermic, H1N1 desease spreading around Europe.. So more time for me to see the progression of the outbreak..
So.. if your plan changed, and you have to cancel some stuff.. never will get better stuffs in return!!...
Monday, May 18, 2009
....another morning
its not that i totally forgotten about writing completely, its because...I dont write it here that heavily when you have MULTIPLY, FRIENDSTER and the latest CRAZE..FACEBOOK!...
I am planning back to start or revive back this blog...I know I had some distinctive readers around the world...and I bet they flew away like me in the past.. What am I talking about!?!?...gggeesss!..
I know, i missed something when I've started work in 2007... and you cant imagine the workload I have to go through...and I wasnt that happy at all, because I was feeling a little bit contented.. anyways..I hope I can write crap again as much as I could.. and not feeling a lil bit pressurised like a holding tank!...
Ouh...I've started back to read the book by Paolo Coelho called the Alchemist, even though Ive read it 4 times... I'm just going back to my Old SHERIDAN... and feel free again!!...
Like an old saying... start back from your starting point if you feel a lil bit lost.!!..
TTFN!! (tata for now!)
I wanna be back in the blogging world...
Apart from intensive work doing fine with Life... Like the others would do...
But thats not GOOD...its wayyy out from my normal being.. I dont want to be like the NORMS... I wanna be DIFFERENT...and has my own significant characteristics that everyone acknowledge as SHERIDAN SULIK and not "Just another tom dick and harry"..
I cant promised to continue writing as before.. But I will try...
Till again...