How do you feel when someone tell you that they are reading your blog?!...
In the first place, how do they know I have a blog around???
Its either your blog is incredibly famous and well received by other people? the blog might cause a stir in the political scene or a famous artise or blogger like Aflin Shauki or Jeff Oii in their blog? or maybe Someone just googled my Name and Voilaa!!... Here you go...blogspot is the PAGE!!
Well guys...thanks anyway for having the liberty to ''READ" my blog... But the problem is, this blogspot account of mine is not as ACTIVELY as my other page, that is on my multiply page, There is where my story tells, my pictures speaks thousand words.
But no worries, will write as much as I can here as much as I wrote in my multiply soon...
Some might know me personally, some might know me as a person and some might know me by Name.. Well...Its nice knowing that you guys have the interest to read about me..
Nothing much about me though, just a town boy from KL, working in the land of Hornbills on the Borneo Island of Malaysia, studied in the UK and before that was in all boy school in PJ... I'm the eldest of three and I love to travel all over the world, learning about cultures and attitude of other race....
Till now, I have conquer most of the northern part of Europe and planning to continue my quest around the world...when I have the time of course!!!...
Anyways... I write what I feel, what I think and what I want to say.... Basically I write Crap here... and Always continue to write more crap each and everyday... If you need facts, go to WIKIPEDIA...and thats not normally true or factual.... If you need political reviews, JEFF OII or Malaysia Kini is the best bet.... And if you need car reviews, I would suggest you to go to PaulTan or GET@CAR website... Mine??...Just what is inside lingering in my heads...thats why its called iDAN's BLOG!!....
Well.. Hope you will continue reading my blog and keep on supporting me in this quest inside my head!!
Meantime...its and a video from my brother...YOU MAKE IT REEL!!
Take care and Have a nice day!!
1 comment:
damn cool video clip!!!!!!!!!!! like 'em... especially the girls.... they r hot!!!!! hit me dude..... at Tepak Sireh's...
The infmaous Made In Miri blog.... have u?
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