Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The point beingg....

I went bowling just now and I saw a guy on the lane beside mine, he was so 'equipped' with Robocop-like handgear, expensive bowling shoes and bowling ball, cladded with proper clothing and starts to bowl.

He swings his ball up high, like professional always do, and release the ball slowly (dude...whats the point swinging your hand up high)... The ball went spinning hook and the pin clashes...Just one pin standing up high...His face was so frustrated..and blaming to the pin not falling down... He blames on fate....and actually he didnt bowl that good, but he thought he was...

So...whats the point of me writting this story to you??...

Well... He was bluntly blaming of the pin not falling down on fate. He doesn't know that his style was actually wrong from the begining.. Why didnt he blame it on the style he was playing? He has the expensive shoes, expensive bowling ball and expensive handgear (remember the Robocop-like thingy???)

I still couldnt understand why most of us blaming thingys that we want it to be done like that but we didnt make it real? Why cant we just accept that maybe the style, or the way we think its right is wrong?

For me, I wont blame it to the pin or the rolling bowling ball that didnt hit the pin's fault...But I will change my style, my speed, my position to the situation.
The point being is, we should not blame things on fate that has fated to us. Yes God has set a ''Life path" for us, but we could determined the fate that is coming towards us, if we can see yourself. We should know our own capabilities, our limits, our strength, our weakness..then we know whats coming for us...

I learned myself while I was away from home, family and most biggest factor that hindering me to learn myself is ''the comfort zone''. I didnt know how I could lead my life without the people I know, and the comfort that I used to have until then.. I didnt know that I could cook, or managed finances and managed my own life.. Thats when you know your strength and weakness.
I've gone through bitter moments and sometimes sweetness of life, but once you gone through those, you wont bother or you'll know the medicine of that problem.

SO... God actually set a destination of life for us...but not the path of life... we as His humble servant, choose the type of path to reach that destination. You can go to a straight path, or you could go through a crooked path... For me, I would choose the crooked one, because I will learn something more in life from a straight one. Experiences is precious..

SO my fellow friends, dont blame on fate, or blame on those expensive gears that you have, blame it to yourself...because its not fate that is at fault, its the way you determined your own fate is the fault.

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