I would really thought that in the UK, the internet connection anywhere, any ISP ( internet service provider) is providing excellent job than ISP companies in MALAYSIA. I got it all wrong alright!! Malaysian ISPs are far more better than in the UK. Another kudos to MALAYSIA!!!Since my internet were out for the whole day of Monday night, I did some DVD watching. I’m supposed to do my coursework but nope, I watched Italian Job ( Old Version ) instead. Besides I’m not feeling that well. My throuth aches, my head feel so swingy, my chest is feeling a bit of pinch. I think I’m getting my flu… again … hopefully not.
Yea, my klasses are now on the go, Structures and Stresses ( calculating the stress and strains of any member that is loaded with some force on it, which also cause some strss and strains in my brains!! ), Control systems Engineering ( hate it… cause it involves electrical circuit and formulas shit… V=IR thingy… my brains will be electrocuted!! ), Engineering Materials (ouh… this is a cool subject… tells you the composition of some material… do you know carbon fibre is light as a feather but stronger than steel???) Thermodynamics and Fluids ( this is not bad, done that during my diploma dazes, maybe I shouldn’t have any problems with it… ) and lastly Electrical Machines and Drives ( Electrical again!!?!?!....am I in the right course? )
Look at my laundry… so the penuh!! ( full ) Maybe do it tomorrow after class. I just cant stand opening my eyes! At least I can get connected from the room from where I used to get myself hooked on the net… at the computer lab…
I missed my family so much. I was online with them yesterday, I saw my grandmother on my webcam back home and my aunts. So missed them so much, especially my grandparents and my mom and dad. At least now I could appreciate them much more than I used to. SO lesson of the day boys and girls!!...LOVE YOUR FAMILY!!!!
Ok ok … my eyes wont open that big now, I guess I better get my rest and try to avoid of getting another flu on the 1st week of class!!!..
1 comment:
Selamat Hari Raya old friend. Home awaits you. :)
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