Tuesday, January 26, 2010

True meaning of sleep.... =P

when you have high seas,

drizzling rain

and some overcast weather..

all you get is..


yup.. whole day..

and you think sleep is a luxury???... try offshore life...

then you'll know the meaning of sleep!...


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to me..

Yups.. its my Birthday..
It was 28 years ago when I first came out from my mom's tummy and cried..
It was 28 years ago when I first taste the poluted air of the world..
It was 28 years ago when both of my parents, my grandparents, aunties and uncles and also cousins make faces to me.. and hoping I laugh to them...which I did.. and I smile till now..
It was 28 years ago when both of my Mom and Dad start to photograph me when I was still RED...
And that was 28 years ago and 28 years later.. I am me..

Happy Birthday iDAN..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hmmmm... should I say sorry for not updating??.. well.. common excuse isnt it?.. Well..Ok..im sorry for not updating my Blogspot, Multiply, and Facebook Blog for any other blogger sphere that I can think off me signing in...

So updates??Let me see...

  • I am married now of course last August 2009 (to my Lovely wife)
  • I finished my Fabrication Yard Assignment in Johor Bahru and now being assigned to Offshore Location doing commissioning works.. (2 weeks on and 2 weeks off..I took that deal deliberately so I can catch up with sleep and time for family)
  • I got myself a DSLR.. A NIKON D90...( I switched myself from Canon to Nikon... a big move!!)
  • I have completed a year long training course called "Launchpad" and now being accepted as Rotating Equipment Engineer Skillpool in the company (oouuh..I can rotate stuffs now!!!)
  • I'm getting older this Thursday 21st Jan 2010 and I will be on the helicopter to work..... (ouhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! =D )

I think that summarized it all after the disappearance for awhile...kind of sikit....damn...But this sikit-ness really brings a lot of memories for me to cherish...

OK...for 2010's resolution, apart from being a good husband, a good son.. I will try to be a good blogger for you too... So...til next time.... See yaahh!