This was taken from my comment on Puteri Sarah's multiply the Gubra's movie that is heavily critised by a lot of people in Malaysia...its about a love story between two different races and two different religion...but this movie shows closes to the real life in Malaysia... the issues that i commented was
then this is my comment about the points in her journal...
personallly i havent watched Gubra yet...but I'm eagerly wanna watch it because the one before, SEPET was really interesting and its a new style of Malaysian film industry... Its a stepping stone for other producers and directors to produce and direct these kind of films and not something so stupid storyline (ie ISKANDAR ..yups..i did watched that movie, Soappy love movies and etc)... Some of them just dont reflect the everyday life in MALAYSIA...
Yasmin Ahmad's style i think..its something what Malaysian is going through....We are multinational country and the movie caters for all...not just MALAYs because its Malay entertainment.... Broader scope of story line.... theres nothing bad if MEN cooks for their wives.... actually men are better cook than women (ermmm...i meant if u go to restaurants...you are served by male cooks..not women cooks rite?!..even Jamie Oliver is a guy)... For the kissing and huggging scene...well...In Malaysia now...everyone kiss and everyone hugs..i know its against the religion..but the movie reflects people in Malaysia now...and it atually sparks a thinking or reflection of your own actions....why Pejabat Agama or film critics critics the film??...why didnt they aware that, it is really actually happenenig under their nose?!?!....
Ok...whats the problem with Bilal and his wife befriending a prostitute?!?!...Isnt the prostitute a human too?.. I get this email from this ABIM and these dakwah groups in the UK about why the Christians and the Jews can be devote to their religion and not Muslims kind emails thingy (i think most of us got this kind of emails...)...this Bilal is like the priest helping this prostitute to come back to religion...its a form of dakwahh.... Here in the UK..the Church is going all out of spreading Christianity...and their ways are really cunning.... they dont tell "JESUS LOVES YOU!!...come and be CHRISTIANS!!"....thats soo NO NO for themm..but they help the homeless...they give free foods on the broadways...they show how CHRISTIANS cares!!... Why cant ISLAM way to dakwah be like that?!...Do you know a lot of Muslims in Africa is now converted into Chirstians!?...because the Christians Activist are sooo proactive in Africa by combatting the welfare of the Africans...
About the Bilal touching a dog...well..again..in Islam Forbid us to own or touch a WET dog...and it we do accidently touch one.....we can always clean it off by samak!...Dogs too are creation of ALLAH...it was MEN's best friend once but because of the ADAM got sent off to earth Incident...the dogs are considered as 'derhaka' to the human race in Islam..
Well...the question is...are the Malaysian are very open minded people?!...do the Muslims in Malaysia really knows about ISLAM??...why do we have a narrow perspective of thinking where in ISLAM...we are told to learn about other cultures and other ways of thinking... but the values of ISLAM should not be compromised....
For me...if our Iman is strong...we know the true values of ISLAM.... and we learn about other religion and understand how they improve themselves...why cant we do like what they are doing?!...that is uniting each other's belief into one strong religion... Islam is actually a strong religion....others are scared of ISLAM... but why cant we even unite between one another?... again...Gubra for me is actually a show to open our eyes...and for us to think!..and for us to decide what is bad and what is right...