30 days has passed... A lot of things happened during January. Finishing my courseworks, mostly dealing with numbers and errors, tidy up some reports and of course... MY Birthday. Celebrating it away from home is really something, used to have makan makan with the whole family and go out with frens later. Its a bit different this year, I celebrate it with me finishing up my statistics course work and later in class...But the Birmingham community here did put up some celebration for me.. ;) flattered la sket.... The most flattering bit was....( which I never experienced this before ) was my Computer windows was flooded with friend wishing my birthday...I thought someone just planted a virus or something..cuak la gakk...Well..I nearly burst into tears
Then the traveling part... That was quite awesome really...tired but enjoying.. Meeting lots of beautiful people...and of course.... some shopping
Its February now... Its gonna be spring time soon, flowers blossoms birds chirping... my mom's birthday soon... miss everyone back home...wish they could be here with me experiencing this all with me now